
Privacy Policy

of the website

Last updated:


This Privacy Policy informs you about how uses and protects the information you provide to us, if any, when you use this website, accessible from the following URL: (hereinafter referred to as the "Website").
Please note that this Privacy Policy may be modified or supplemented at any time by, in particular to comply with any legal or technological developments. In such a case, its updated date will be clearly identified at the top of this Policy. These modifications apply to the user as soon as they are published online. As a result, the user should periodically review this privacy policy for any changes.


This privacy policy is applicable between the company ISCL, website editor, hereinafter referred to as "", and any person connecting to the Website, hereinafter referred to as "the Internet User".


"Website content": Any kind of information published on the Website, that may or may not be protected by intellectual property rights, such as texts, images, designs, presentations, videos, diagrams, structures, databases, or softwares.
"Internet User": any person connecting to the Website.
"Website": Website accessible at the URL, as well as sub-sites, mirror sites, portals and URL variations relating thereto.


This Privacy Policy is applicable to all Internet Users. The mere connection to and/or browsing of the Website will imply your full and unconditional acceptance of this Privacy Policy. In addition, clicking on "I understand" in the cookie information banner displayed on the Website implies your confirmation of this acceptance. You acknowledge having read, understood, and fully accepted it.
The Internet User recognises the probative value of's automatic registration systems, unless the user can provide evidence to the contrary.
The acceptance of this Privacy Policy implies that the Internet Users have the legal capacity to do so, or if this is not the case, they are at least 18 or that they have the permission from a guardian or trustee if they are not capable, their legal representative if they are underage, or they are holders of a mandate if they are acting on behalf of a legal entity.


In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the European Parliament on 14 April 2016 and the national legislation in force, provides you with the following information:

4.1 Identity of the Data Controller

The person responsible for the collection and data processed on the Website is Influence Systems Consulting Limited, head office: Unit B 3/F Kai Wan Hse, 146 Tung Choi St, Mongkok, Hong Kong, email : [email protected]

4.2 Identity of the Data Protection Officer

The identity of the Data Protection Officer is Maître Etienne Deshoulières, 121 boulevard de Sébastopol 75002 Paris, email address: [email protected], telephone number: 01 77 62 82 03.

4.3 Data collection by

4.3.1 Data collected Data collected during browsing

When browsing the Website, you consent to collecting information relating to: your use of the Website; the content you consult and click on; your demographic data; the device used and its software environment; tracers, web beacons, web storage, unique advertising identifiers; the connection data (times, pages viewed, IP address, etc.); and/or web pages visited before or after the use of the Website. Data collected when using the contact form

The use of the contact form by the Internet User supposes the collection by of the following personal data: last name, first name, company name, email address, mail address, phone number, subject of the request and information voluntarily transmitted by the Internet user.
Users who do not wish to provide the information required for the use of the contact form will not be able to send a message to directly from the Website. Data collected when using the registration form

The use of the registration form by the Internet User supposes the collection by of the following personal data: last name, first name, company name, email address, mail address, phone number, subject of the request and information voluntarily transmitted by the Internet User related to his/her registration.
Users who do not wish to provide the information required for the use of the registration form will not be able to send a message to directly from the Website. Data collected when using the newsletter form

In the context of the use of the newsletter form, may be required to collect and process: last name, first name, email address.

4.3.2 Purposes of the collection of personal data

The data collected during browsing is automatically processed in order to:
- verify the identity of Internet Users;
- ensure and improve the security of the Website;
- develop, operate, improve, provide, and manage the Website;
- send information to and contact the Internet User, including by email, phone, and push notification;
- share the contents of or an opinion about the Website with other people via the social network sharing buttons;
- contextualise and improve the Internet User's experience;
- target advertising content;
- avoid any unlawful or illegal activity;
- initiate legal proceedings;
- enforce the conditions relating to the use of the Website.

The data collected during the use of the contact form is automatically processed in order to:
- fulfil the contractual commitments;
- initiate legal proceedings;
- verify the identity of Internet Users;
- provide a detailed answer to the Internet User;
- send information to and contact the Internet User, including by email, phone, and push notification;
- target advertising content;
- avoid any unlawful or illegal activity;
- enforce the conditions relating to the use of the Website.

The data collected during the use of the registration form is automatically processed in order to:
- register the Internet User ;
- fulfil the contractual commitments;
- initiate legal proceedings;
- verify the identity of Internet Users;
- send information to and contact the Internet User, including by email, phone, and push notification;
- target advertising content;
- avoid any unlawful or illegal activity;
- enforce the conditions relating to the use of the Website.

The data collected during the use of the newsletter form is automatically processed in order to:
- send news information;
- show and target ads.

4.3.3 Legal bases for processing

The data collected during browsing has, as a legal basis, the legitimate interest of, namely to carry out an analysis of behaviours on the Website, and to obtain an improved safety and functioning of the Website.Some of these data, such as those resulting from the implementation of some cookies, can have as their legal bases the consent of individuals.

The data collected during the use of the contact form has, as a legal basis, the consent of the persons concerned.
The data collected during the use of the registration form has, as a legal basis, a contractual commitment.
The data collected during the use of the newsletter form has, as a legal basis, the consent of the persons concerned.

4.3.4 Data recipients

The collected data can only be viewed by's employees and providers to the extent strictly necessary to their mission, and is never made freely viewable by a third-party natural person.

4.3.5 Retention period for personal data

The personal data collected during browsing is kept for a reasonable period of time necessary for the proper management of the Website and for a maximum of 13 months.
The personal data collected during the use of the contact form is kept for a reasonable length of time necessary for the proper management of the request of the Internet User and for a maximum of 12 months.
The data collected during the use of the registration form is kept for the duration of the contractual relationship between and the Internet User, and for the duration during which may be held liable.
The data collected during the use of the newsletter form are kept until the withdrawal of the consent of the persons concerned.
After the retention period, undertakes to permanently delete the data of the persons concerned.

4.3.6 Security and confidentiality of personal data

Personal data must be kept in secure conditions, within the current technological means, in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulations for Data Protection and national legislation in force.

4.3.7 Minimisation of personal data may also collect and process any data transmitted voluntarily by an Internet User, in particular via the free field of the contact form. undertakes to only keep and process the data strictly necessary for its activities, and will delete any useless data received as soon as possible.

4.4 Rights respect

You have the following rights regarding your personal data, which can be exercised by writing to us at our postal address or by completing our online contact form.

4.4.1 Right of information, access, and communication of data

You have the possibility to access the personal data that concerns you.
Due to's obligation of security and confidentiality in the processing of personal data, your request will only be processed if you provide proof of your identity, including a scan of your valid ID (if requested by our dedicated electronic form), or a signed photocopy of your valid ID (if written), both accompanied by the notation "I certify on my honour that this proof of identity is a certified true copy. [City], [Date]", followed by your signature.
To help you, you will find a mail template here prepared by CNIL.

4.4.2 Right of rectification, deletion, and right to forgetting data

You have the option to request the rectification, updating, locking, or erasure of personal data that may be inaccurate, erroneous, incomplete, or obsolete.
You can also set general and specific guidelines regarding the handling of your personal data after your death. In this case, the heirs of a deceased person may request to consider the death of their loved one and/or to make the necessary updates.
To help you, you will find a mail template here prepared by CNIL.

4.4.3 Right to oppose data processing

You have the possibility to oppose the processing of your personal data.
To help you, you will find a mail template here prepared by CNIL.

4.4.4 Right to data portability

You have the right to receive the personal data you have provided to us in a transferable, open, and readable format.

4.4.5 Right to restriction of processing

You have the right to request that the processing of your personal data by be limited. Thus, your data can only be retained and no longer used by

4.4.6 Reply duration undertakes to respond to your request for access, rectification, opposition, or any other request for additional information within a reasonable period of time, which may not exceed 1 month from the receipt of your request.

4.4.7 Complaint to the competent authority

If you consider that does not comply with its obligations regarding your personal information, you may submit a complaint or request to the competent authority.

4.5 Transfer of collected data

4.5.1 Transfer to partners informs you that we use authorized service providers to facilitate the collection and processing of the data you have provided us. These service providers may be located outside the European Union, and have communicated the data collected on the Website. has previously ensured the implementation by its providers of adequate safeguards and compliance with strict conditions of confidentiality, use, and protection of data, for example via PrivacyShield (US).
The Internet User agrees that the data collected will be transmitted by to its partners and will be processed by these partners as part of third-party services, namely:

Partner Quality Country of destination Treatment performed Guarantees
Google Analytics Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Élaboration de statistiques commerciales afin de générer des rapports sur les interactions des Internautes
Facebook Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Gestion des avis des personnes sur des produits, services ou contenus
Google Adwords Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Réalisation d’opérations relatives à la prospection
Heroku Sous-traitant USA (GDPR Compliant) Hébergement d’applications web
Amazon Web Service Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Hébergment de sites web
Cloudfare Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Distribution de contenus sécurisés en ligne
Twitter Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Gestion des avis des personnes sur des produits, services ou contenus
Linkedin Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Gestion des avis des personnes sur des produits, services ou contenus
Instagram Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Gestion des avis des personnes sur des produits, services ou contenus
Mixpanel Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Analyse de données web et applications mobiles
Sendgrid Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Plateforme d’envoi de mails
New Relic Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Analyse de données web et applications mobiles
Zoom Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Services de conférence vidéo
Twilio Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Plateforme de communication téléphonique, vidéo, messages électroniques
Autopilot Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) et Australie Outils marketing en ligne
Intercom Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Communication publicitaire
Helpscout Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Plateforme d’outils de communication en ligne
Zendesk Sous-traitant UE, USA (Privacy Shield et GDPR Compliant) Développement de logiciels
Drift Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Chat en ligne
Typeform Sous-traitant Espagne formulaires en ligne
Stripe Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Prestataire en ligne
Fastspring Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Prestataire en ligne
GoCardless Sous-traitant UK Prestataire en ligne
RightSignature Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield et GDPR Compliant) Signatures en ligne
HelloSign Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Signatures en ligne
Google GSuite Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Suite d’outils et de logiciels
Segment Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Collecte et analyse de données
Fullstory Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Collecte et analyse de données
Slack Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Plateforme de travail collaboratif
Whatsapp Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Plateforme de messages et vidéos en ligne
Messenger Sous-traitant USA (GDPR Compliant) Plateforme de messages et vidéos en ligne
Telegram Sous-traitant UK Dubaï (Clauses contractuelles types de la Commision européenne) Plateforme de messages et vidéos en ligne
Google Tag Manager Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Outil de gestion et de mesure de publicités
Hotjar Sous-traitant Irlande Collecte et analyse de données
Trustpilot Sous-traitant Danemark Gestion des avis des personnes sur des produits, services ou contenus
Google Form Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Création de formulaires en ligne
LinkedIn Ads Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Publicité en ligne
Twitter Ads Sous-traitant Etats-Unis (Privacy Shield), Irlande Publicité en ligne
Google Ads Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Publicité en ligne
Facebook Ads Sous-traitant Etats-Unis (GDPR compliant) Publicité en ligne
Apple Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Vente de produits électroniques et plateforme musicale
Mailchimp Sous-traitant UE, USA (Privacy Shield) Outils marketing en ligne
Intercom Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Logiciel de communication en ligne
Zendesk Sous-traitant UE, USA (Privacy Shield and GDPR Compliant) Logiciel de support en ligne
Google Fonts Sous-traitant USA (Privacy Shield) Usage de fonts
Calendly Sous-traitant USA (GDPR) Logiciel de prise de rendez-vous en ligne
LogDNA Sous-traitant UE, USA (Privacy Shield) Logiciel de gestion des registres en ligne
Notion Sous-traitant UE, USA (Privacy Shield) Logiciel d'espace de travail et collaboration d'équipe en ligne
ActiveCampaign Sous-traitant UE, USA (Privacy Shield) Outil marketing en ligne
Zapier Sous-traitant UE, USA (Privacy Shield) Outil d'automatisation en ligne
Leadpages Sous-traitant USA Logiciel d'édition de site Internet en ligne

4.5.2 Transfer on requisition or court order

The Internet User also agrees that may communicate the data collected to any person, on the requisition of a state authority or by court order.

4.5.3 Transfer as part of a merger or acquisition

If is involved in a merger, asset sale, financing transaction, liquidation, or bankruptcy or in the event of the acquisition of all or part of its business by another company, the Internet User consents that the data collected be transferred by to this company and that this company carries out the processing of personal data referred to in this privacy policy instead of


When you first log in to the website, you are warned by a banner at the bottom of your screen that information about your browsing may be stored in files called "cookies". Our cookie policy allows you to better understand the provisions that we implement in terms of navigation on our website. It informs you in particular about all cookies on our website, their purpose, and gives you the procedure to follow to set them.

5.1 Use of tracers/cookies, as publisher of this web site, may therefore proceed with implantation of a cookie and other tracer on the hard drive of your terminal (computer, tablet, mobile, etc.) to ensure smooth and optimal navigation on our website.
"Cookies" are small text files that allow us to recognise your computer, tablet, or mobile device in order to personalise the services we offer.
To better inform you about the information that cookies identify, you will find below a table listing the different types of cookies that may be used on the website, their name, purpose, and their retention period.

5.2 Purpose of tracers

With the help of the information contained in the tracers and cookies used, can analyse the visits and use of the Website and, if necessary, facilitate and improve browsing, carry out prospecting operations, develop commercial statistics, or display targeted ads.

5.3 Tracers used

Partner Purpose of processing Partner's terms and conditions
Google Analytics Élaboration de statistiques commerciales
Google + Réalisation d’opérations relatives à la prospection
Linkedin Réalisation d’opérations relatives à la prospection
Facebook Réalisation d’opérations relatives à la prospection
Google Adwords Élaboration de statistiques commerciales
Instagram Réalisation d’opérations relatives à la prospection
Twitter Réalisation d’opérations relatives à la prospection
Pinterest Réalisation d’opérations relatives à la prospection
Youtube Réalisation d’opérations relatives à la prospection
Cloudfare Distribution de contenu sécurisé en ligne

5.4 Setting your cookie preferences

When you first log in to the website, a banner briefly outlining information about cookies and similar technologies will appear at the bottom of your screen. This banner warns you that by continuing your navigation on the website (by loading a new page or by clicking on various elements of the site for example), you accept the deposit of cookies on your terminal. You are also deemed to have consented to the deposit of cookies by clicking on the "I understand" icon to the right of the banner at the bottom of your screen.

5.4.1 Cookies exempt from consent

Some cookies are exempt from the prior request for your consent if they are absolutely necessary for the operation of the website or if their sole purpose is that of enabling or facilitating electronic communication. This includes session ID, verification, load balancing session cookies, as well as cookies for customising your interface. These cookies are completely subject to this policy to the extent that they are issued and maintained by

5.4.2 Cookies requiring the prior collection of your consent

This requirement applies to third-party cookies that are termed "persistent" as long as they remain on your device until deleted or expired.
Since such cookies are issued by third-parties, their use and deposit are subject to their own privacy policies. This cookie family includes audience measurement cookies, advertising cookies, and social network sharing cookies.
Audience measurement cookies provide statistics about the visits and use of various elements of the website (such as content/pages you have visited). This data helps improve the ergonomics of the
You can freely accept or refuse the deposit of this type of cookies. They will be disabled by default during your browsing.

5.5 Maximum retention period of tracers

Tracers are intended to be kept on the computer station of the Internet for a period of up to 13 months. Personal data is kept in secure conditions, according to the current technological means, in accordance with the provisions of the General Regulations for Data Protection and national legislation in force.

5.6 Opposition to the use of tracers

5.6.1 Opposition to the use of tracers

You can accept or refuse the deposit of cookies at any time.
The Internet User can delete or disable the use of tracers whenever they wish by modifying the parameters of their browser. It is possible to consult the Website without tracers. However, some of the site's additional functions may not work if the user has disabled the use of tracers, such as autocomplete forms or browsing indicators.

5.6.2 Settings

Each Internet browser has its own cookie management settings. The Internet User can configure their browser software so that cookies are rejected, either systematically or depending on their issuer. The Internet User can also configure their browsing software so that their acceptance or refusal of cookies is systematically requested, before a cookie is likely to be registered on their terminal.
For the management of cookies and Internet User choices, the configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the browser's help menu, which explains how to change cookie preferences:
- For Internet Explorer;
- For Safari;
- For Chrome;
- For Firefox;
- For Opera.
For more information on the tools for controlling cookies, you can consult the dedicated page on the CNIL website here.


6.1 Legal protection of Content on the Website

The Content on the Website may be protected by copyright and database rights. Any representation, reproduction, translation, adaptation or transformation, in whole or in part, made illegally and without the consent of or its successors or assignees is a violation of Books I and III of the Code of Intellectual Property, and may give rise to prosecution for infringement.

6.2 Contractual protection of Content on the Website

The Internet User contractually undertakes to not to use, reproduce, or represent in any way the Content of the Website, whether or not it is protected by intellectual property rights, for a purpose other than their reading by a robot or a browser. This prohibition does not apply to web crawlers which have the sole purpose of scanning the Website content for indexing purposes.


7.1 Modifications

This Privacy Policy may be modified at any time by The conditions applicable to the Internet User are those in effect when they log on to the Website, any new connection to the Website implying acceptance, if applicable, of the new conditions.

7.2 Entirety

The invalidity of any clause of this agreement will not invalidate the remaining agreement clauses, or the agreement as a whole, which will retain its full force and scope. In such a case, the parties will, as far as possible, replace the invalid provision with a valid provision that corresponds to the spirit and purpose of these terms and conditions.

7.3 Non-waiver

Lack of exercise by of rights herein acknowledged shall in no case be construed as a waiver of those rights.

7.4 Languages

This Privacy Policy is written in English. Any other version of this Privacy Policy in another language is only offered for the good understanding of the Internet User.
In the event of a conflict of interpretation between the English version and another version, the English version will prevail.

7.5 Unfair terms

The stipulations of these terms and conditions apply subject to compliance with the mandatory provisions of the Consumer Code on unfair terms in contracts entered into between a professional and a consumer.


8.1 Applicable laws

This Privacy Policy is subject to the application of basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

8.2 Disputes

Under order No. 2015-1033 of 20 August 2015, all disputes that may arise in the context of the execution of these terms and conditions, and for which an amicable solution has not been found between the parties, must be submitted to Medicys:

8.3 Arbitration

Any dispute concerning or in relation to this agreement must be settled by arbitration in accordance with the FastArbitre regulation of the Digital Institute of Arbitration and Mediation.